

news // 2008.04.02 08:17:49 [hh]

"Photoshop Express" Update: nach den ersten Tagen bereits in die Millionen...

Laut Adobes Produktmanager John Nack und dem Vice President, Consumer Business, Doug Mack hat Adobes neuer Online-Service "Photoshop Express" am ersten Tag bereits 1 Million Besucher verzeichnet. Bis jetzt (also nach noch nicht einmal einer Woche) wurden bereits mehr als drei Millionen (!) Bilder hoch geladen. Auch die Nutzungsbedingungen hat Adobe mittlerweile nachgebessert, nachdem Nutzer und Medien auf die Barrikaden gingen. Mittlerweile über 24000 öffentliche Galerien ("public galleries") deuten darauf hin, dass sich wohl mehr als 100.000 Nutzer registriert haben dürften. Übrigens kann der kostenlose englischsprachige "US-only" Service auch aus Deutschland benutzt werden, gewisse Einbußen in puncto Geschwindigkeit eingeschlossen. Also viel Spaß beim Probieren!

John Nacks Hintergrund-Informationen:

>> When you show up as an answer in Wait Wait Don't Tell Me's lightning round, people must be starting to take notice. :-)

Adobe's Photoshop Express service tore out of the gate last week:

Adobe VP Doug Mack says, "This was way more than the team expected for the beta launch (pretty exciting).  With all this activity all at once, the service slowed down, but it's now back to running nicely as things have normalized.   If you found it slow, you may want to come back and check it out this week."
Doug reports that on day 1, "Service ramped up so fast that account verification emails and sharing emails were literally flying out of the service.  As the email traffic ramped from literally 'zero' to 'full tilt' in just a matter of hours (basically starting at 9am EDT), many email services and spam filters thought we were spammers and some gray listed us.  We worked with them so they knew we were legit and had it sorted out by lunchtime."

In case you signed up but didn't get a new account verification email, please try going back to the site; try logging in with the account you set up; and choose the option to have the email resent.  You'll get an email with a new key to activate the account.

One other thing to note: Even though the beta is listed as US-only (due to the incomplete state of the server infrastructure), the service is being used around the world.  Doug writes:Weitere Informationen: express (Service), (Tutorials)

