

links, news // 2011.02.24 08:23:52 [hh]

"Online Music Heat Map": das war heiß in 2010

Wer wissen will, welche Online-Musik-Services 2010 das Geschehen bestimmt haben, der sollte sich die "Heat Maps" von "Virtual Music" genauer anschauen. Leider sind dabei einige Dienste wie "MySpace" nicht mit erfaßt.

"If you’re red-green color blind then this is going to hurt. Based on estimated traffic data from Compete, this visualization depicts web-based music consumption in the U.S. in 2010. Included are websites where music is streamed and/or downloaded. Due to accurate sample rate availability (and in the interest of sanity) websites with less than 100,000 monthly visits are omitted. The map is to scale. Larger map areas represent higher website traffic. Green indicates positive growth in 2010. Red indicates negative growth in 2010. Hold your mouse over each area for stats—the visits/month stats are for December 2010. For those that don’t speak metric: 1k = 1,000. 1M = 1,000,000."

Direkter Link: 2011/ 02/ 2010- music- website- heat- map

