

links // 2008.02.12 08:09:39 [hh]

"RedesignMe": ein Forum für alle Meckerer und Hasser

Negativbeispiele an Produkt-Design sammelt die neue englischsprachige Site "RedesignMe - Your Reaction to Bad Design" - frei nach dem Motto: das negative Urteil ("this is fugly") verbindet die Welt. Nutzer werden aufgerufen, alternative Designs zu entwerfen, was bislang nur mäßig klappt. Screen2.0 stellt ein neues Projekt vor.

Die Macher der RedesignMe Foundation zu dem neuen im November gestarteten Projekt:

"Everyone who loves to bitch about crappy design now has RedesignMe, a meeting place not just to complain and point out flaws, but to offer suggestions on how said crappy design could be better, and at best, push a redesign.

The goal of the RedesignMe foundation is to improve the products around us by collectively rethinking bad products into better products and good ideas into great ideas.
RedesignMe collects the best product improvements and communicates them back to the original designers & producers.

RedesignMe will mediate between producers and redesigners to make sure redesigners get rewarded for their ideas.
We are currently working out detailed models to be able to accomplish this. Meanwhile enjoy the site and start redesigning!"

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