

archive // 2005.10.12 06:56:21 [hh]

huh Corporation: "Are You Confused?"

Eine schöne Satire auf all den E-Wahnsinn, der selbst mit Ende des Internet-Startup-Hypes im Jahr 2000 nicht geendet hat bietet die virtuelle Company huh Corporation. Schon allein das Logo ist sehr sehenswert.

Aus der Site:

"Our main consulting strategy is to convince clients that we do stuff they can't do themselves, and that we deserve lots of money for it. The best way to do this is to always look good, and always sound like we know something you don't. Because we do.

Are you confused yet? Of course you are. And that's just how we like it. Our marketing professionals are constantly coming up with new ways to make you feel inferior and stupid. Because you are. And we're not. We're new-age, eMoving, marketing consultants.

If you're still not convinced, we'll show you lots of marketing research and consulting cost analysis and global design positioning strategy reports to confuse you and hopefully convince you that we're so knowledgeable you couldn't possibly succeed without us. Because you can't. So don't even try."

Kommt Ihnen das bekannt vor? Uns schon.


